Color Data FAQ

Here are some frequently asked questions about Color Data. You can find more details about the scientific methodology and design of the database here.

What is the goal of Color Data?

At Color, we believe that we have a responsibility to advance genetic research and that sharing scientific data will help accelerate the pace of discoveries. We hope that Color Data will help researchers and scientists identify genotype-phenotype correlations, novel variants for functional analysis, and enable data-driven drug discovery and development.

What is the difference between Color Data and other genome databases and browsers?

Several population databases and cancer-specific databases have been developed for genomic data, however, relevant clinical information such as personal and family health history are not always available. Color Data includes aggregated genetic and clinical information related to hereditary cancer from 50,000 affected and unaffected individuals who took a Color test. Our user-friendly interface allows researchers to easily execute their own queries with filtering, and the results of queries can be shared and/or downloaded.

How was information selected to be included in Color Data?

All clients included in this database received a Color test and consented to the use of their de-identified demographic, health history, and genetic information in Color’s research database.

What type of information is available in Color Data?

Data includes two types of information: genetic and clinical. The genetic information includes variants in 30 genes associated with elevated risk for hereditary cancer. The clinical information includes demographics like gender, age, and ethnicity, and personal and family history of cancer. All information is de-identified and shared in aggregate.

How is client privacy protected? Can the results in Color Data be traced back to a single individual?

Client privacy is important to Color. We have taken significant steps to protect the identity of clients in Color Data and use commercially reasonable efforts to limit queries that identify individuals as a unique or rare carrier of any variants. While unlikely, participation in the database involves the possibility that an individual may be identifiable from information in the database.

If I’m a client, can I request to have my information removed from Color Data?

Yes, you can opt out of Color Data at any time by updating your account settings. After you opt out of Color Data, we will promptly update the research database and exclude your information from future publications. However, because we periodically publish snapshots of Color Data, your de-identified information will not be deleted from past publications.

How can I get involved with research at Color?

Color participates in innovative research studies and supports large-scale population genomics with affordable end-to-end genetic testing, including return of results to participants and complimentary access to genetic counselors. Contact us to learn more about incorporating Color in your research study or to discuss collaboration on future research projects.

Who do I contact with questions or comments about Color Data?

Please contact us at with questions or comments, including bugs or feature suggestions for future versions.

How should I cite interesting queries from Color Data?

Please cite the Color Data flagship paper. You can also include your specific query URL(s), if any.